Saturday, February 9, 2008

Money Matters

I think the one thing about the adoption process I have worried about the most lately is the money issue. While it is undeniably true that God is behind this whole process, the question of "How are we ever going to afford this?!?!" comes to mind. The first part of the adoption process will cost about $2000 and that for us is a big chunk of change (and we don't want to put this on our credit card!).

With living in the DC area, taking masters classes and just purchasing a house last year, Billy and I tryto be good stewards of the money God provides and $2000 can really cause problems with making ends meet. This week we were able to refinance our house (long story short-there was a condition in our contract that was not being met) and with interest rates being lower, we will be able to save almost $200 a month on house payments! That's a big deal!

Also we are definitely blessed with the most amazing family! I don't want to say too much (because my wording never comes out clearly-ask me personally if you want to know) but due to generous gifts from our family, the first adoption fund has been more than taken care of- praise God! I know we will have many other financial hurdles ahead but it is such a huge weight lifted off our shoulders to know that for the time everything is falling into place. It's amazing to know how everything is planned by God and it doesn't matter if I don't understand it or can't handle it...because He can!

If you think about us, please pray about our interview. We should be hearing some time this week about our interview with our social worker. I am a little nervous but excited for this step.
More news later!


Bill Sturgell said...

I admire my wife so much for starting and maintaining this blog. It's so wonderful to have a place where she can write her feelings and the happenings in our life and have the people who love and care about us read it. My wife is awesome!

We hope to refi the house soon and borrow some money against the equity we have in the house. Normally I'm against that because that is what you've been hearing in the news...people using their house as an ATM. But we've pretty much decided, after talking it over with my mom and dad(in my opinion both brilliant in almost all things, including money!) that there is no other place to borrow this kind of money at this rate. And this is what would pay for our adoption upfront. After an infant is placed with us and the adoption is finalized we can apply for federal and state assistance and from what I read much of the cost of adoption will be covered between the fed/state government. I'm estimating up to 75% of it but I'll be extremely happy with anything we get.

As Jenn said praise God for the money we've been given so far. Without Him nothing is possible. I'll have to admit that we don't always spend our money in the most responsible way but God is faithful even when we are not. We are honestly trying to be good stewards of God's money and we both pray that He grants us the strength and wisdom necessary for us to do this!

Christy said...

Hang in there, guys! I know the financial part is staggering. Believe us! Our loans are already high, and we have a HUGE amount yet to go in traveling to China. But you do get money back from the government in the end. Everything will work out... God will provide. I'm anxious to keep hearing the story... so keep on posting!

sue sturgell said...

We're so proud of and excited for you guys. Your child doesn't know how blessed he/she will be to have you two for parents, but we sure do. We can't wait to meet our next grandchild. Mom